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Uche Ogbodo Dumped Hubby Because Of His Condition...

Nollywood never ceases to come up with different thrillers, especially real life dramas as it players find themselves in one hot controversy or the other. If it is not husband snatching today, it would be infidelity mess.

Though these scandals used to be rampant among the females acts, but nowadays, both the males and the females have several skeletons in their cupboards.

One will not easily forget an actor that told his lover in one city that he was going to Lagos for a job, but was actually planning to get married to another lady. Bubble burst when the lady was told that her husband was planning to marry another lady in Lagos. She later stormed the wedding venue and disrupted the new marriage right in the church.

Or will one quickly forget an actress that went ahead to marry a man after the man’s wife abroad had already cried out that she was still legally married to this man. Even protests by some women groups did not stop this actress from going ahead with the weeding.

If names of husband snatchers in Nollywood are to be compiled, the list will be exhaustive.

Last week, news went viral that Uche Ogbodo’s 10-month marriage had crashed, also stating that she was never married to the man in question, Ato Ubby.

But Ubby’s father claimed the actress is lying about the whole issue, stating that they paid Uche’s bride price, which in Igboland, means she is officially her husband’s.

He reportedly said, “we went to her village and paid the bride price and after that she was still bearing her father’s name, I don’t know why she didn't change it. If she is saying now that she is not married, then she has divorced herself, marriage is not by force. I am the father of Ato and I am telling you now that what she told you is a lie.

“I am a servant of God and I cannot tell lies. If she is saying that she is not married, that means she has rejected us. If she has problems with my son, this is the wrong way to go about it, but we leave it all to God.”

But an insider revealed that Uche allegedly dumped Ubby due to his present condition.

Our informant claimed that Uche left the man because she could not endure living with him and that the light-skinned actress feared Ubby might not be able to cater well for her and her unborn child because of the huge amount of money he has spent to cater for his hospital bills.

For those who may not know, Ubby is receiving treatment abroad and he’s said to be suffering for brain tumor.

We are still digging into the story and will serve you more details as they unfold.


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